
I registered in 1995 only after trying to claim the domain name in 1994. After hearing President Bill Clinton in 1992 declare that the internet would be open to public as the super informational highway I decided to find a way to put my company called Powwow Productions on the the web.  It took me longer than I had anticipated but in reality I was way ahead in the game. was my first domain name registration. I searched many other names in 1994 and most were available to register for free. It was a first come, first served basis. Since I felt I only needed the web address of my company, I just registered and left the others like and alone.

It was only after months later did I realize a few others were grabbing the most popular domain names. I then registered several others including,, and since my wife worked at Mattel. Back then, most people thought the internet was a fad. It was only after a few years that I realized that some of the many names I had registered might me an infringement on trademarks. In 1997 I made the effort to move those names like, and to their rightful owners. was the first address that I created into a full website in 1995. At the time, I lived in Playa del Rey, CA and could see the ICANN twin buildings in Marina del Rey from my studio window. ICANN became the United Nations of the internet. They control the domain name system. Palm Springs was only 108 miles from Playa. My wife Sheri and I would make the drive out to Palm Springs every week. We enjoyed placing pictures and information out the real Palm Springs into the virtual Palm Springs which I owed and built.